Pre and Post in Fotolimpics

What is Pre and Post?

Pre and Post is the way we define the status of a picture. Pre means before the digital file is being manipulated and Post is the file already in the process to be manipulated and it is also change form its original state after taking the shot.

The Pre

The “Pre” stage of the picture will showed up the RAW or JPEG file with all its EX information on it and that has not being manipulated outside of the camera per the standard automatization that the manufacturer had established on the camera, and don’t have any artificial intelligence (AI) applied.

The Post

The “Post” stage of the picture is the one were the picture taken has been started to be manipulated outside of the camera wher the usual and common software is being used to enhance the picture. Those are like many brands offered and also on the open source community.


Why Fotolimpics don’t want to see that final product? Becase we want the photography to showed-up its most purist state possible. Like when we used to take picture with the 35mm film, bringing that picture to the developer and receiving the final picture “as it was taken”.

Can I Do the Post Manipulation?

Yes! Of course. You are the owner of your picture and you can do whatever you want with it. But the pre stage of the winning and shortlist pictures is the one we will be using for the contest critique and the one showing for promotion of the Fotolimpics events.